Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cougars Beat Bobcats In Overtime Thriller

Cougars Beat Bobcats in Overtime Thriller
By David Gravely

Last week the Cougar soccer team traveled to Radford, and at the end of the contest the issue remained tied after a scoreless overtime. This week, it looked like the outcome would end up the same until the final seconds of the second overtime period when the Cougars were able to finish the contest in a thrilling 4-3 overtime win over the Bobcats.

For the first twenty minutes, the ball went back and forth with neither team able to take advantage of scoring opportunities. The Bobcats would get on the board first when Hunter Kincaid fielded a misplayed ball from the Cougar defense, putting the Bobcats up 1-0. The Bobcats had another chance a couple of minutes later when they were awarded a penalty kick, but Zack Willard came up with the big save to swing momentum the Cougars way.

At the 15 minute mark Tye Saul found an open Andrew Powers, who sent in a hard kicked curving shot into the back of the net, tying the score 1-1. The remainder of the half found both sides battling to keep possession, and finally in the closing seconds of the first half, Daegan Friend was fouled in the box. Javier Wagner converted the penalty kick, putting the Cougars on top 2-1.

The Bobcats came out in the second half attacking a flat Cougar team. They capitalized in the first minute of the half when Juan Perez placed a shot into the back of the net, making the score 2-2. Pulaski would answer back with just over 33 minutes remaining when a free kick from Taylor Webster found an open Cory McDaniel who volleyed the ball from 18 yards out, putting the Cougars on top 3-2. With just 14:20 on the clock, Radford's Carson Hooper took advantage of the Cougar's inability to clear the ball, tying the score 3-3. The Bobcats tried to capitalize on numerous scoring chances in the closing minutes of regulation, but Willard and the Cougar defense kept them at bay. When the clock ran out, the score remained 3-3.

In the first 5 minute overtime period, both teams failed to get any good looks at each others goals. In the second overtime period, it looked like the stalemate would continue, and the Cougars thought they were going to end up with another tie. In the closing seconds of the match Zack Willard boomed around a 70-80 yards punt towards the Bobcat goal. The ball bounced to the left of the Bobcat goal, and Zack Akers hustled to get it and pass it to Javier Wagner, who chipped the ball in giving the Cougars the 4-3 victory.

"I am proud of the guys tonight" said Cougar Head Coach Mike Price. "They played to the final whistle, and it paid off. We had a lot of guys playing through injuries tonight, and I am impressed with their grit. Andrew, Javier, and Cory helped give us the offensive production we needed. Our midfielders (Cody Wright, Austin Talbert, Tye Saul, Trevor Hedge, and Daegan Friend) were all over the field. Jordan Taylor, Gabe Leblanc, Taylor Webster, Cody Linkous, and Kevin Powell played well in defense. Zack Willard had a great game as well for us, recording 11 saves....some of them breakaways. We still have some ball movement issues, and we aren't working the sidelines well. We also have to quit giving the opponent numerous looks at our goal by not properly clearing the ball. Marking up seems to be an issue as well. Hats off to Radford, they have a great team. Regardless, this was one of the most nerve racking games I have ever coached. I don't need blasts to the ticker like that. In the end, we came away with the victory, and I hope we continue to improve and keep winning."

The Cougars hit the road in a scheduled varsity double header on Wednesday in Galax with the Lady Cougars varsity team. The girls will take the field first, kicking things off at 5:30. The boys will finish the night off, getting under way at 7 pm.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Lady Cougars Blast Colonels

Lady Cougars Blast Colonels
By David Gravely

When your junior varsity squad starts the night off with their first win in over two years, you have to hope that your varsity team can follow that act up with a strong performance as well. That was just what happened on Thursday in Roanoke, as the Pulaski County Lady Cougar soccer team go their second win of the season over William Fleming by a final score of 7-0.

"We were really pleased with the effort we saw out of both squads tonight" said Head Coach Eric Martin. "The girls seemed to be moving the ball better, they're communicating better, and we were more aggressive and athletic tonight. We just need to keep learning and getting better every day."

The younger Lady Cougar squad started the night off in fine fashion, winning 7-1 in a contest that found Pulaski controlling the tempo and the ball most of the game. Dublin Middle School eighth grader Moriah Hinton led the attack with three goals, including the first and last goals of the game. Erin McPeak and Kaitlin Edwards added two each to the effort. One negative note from the contest was when halfway through the first half defender Madison Surber had to be taken out of the game with an injury sustained while battling for the ball. It was later confirmed that Surber had broken her arm.

With the JV contest in the books, the varsity team had high hopes for their matchup. Five minutes into the first half, Ericka Nash broke free down the left side of the field, cleared the defenders, and sent a rocket to the back of the net to give Pulaski the 1-0 lead. Ten minutes later, Casey Snider found herself with the ball and open in front of the net, and she made good on her first varsity score ever. Caitlin Lovell didn't want to be left out, and six minutes later she was able to poke the ball past the William Fleming goalkeeper to give Pulaski a 3-0 lead. With just over 8 minutes remaining in the first half, Kourtney Stuart broke free and beat the defense with a hard shot of her own, giving the lady Cougars a 4-0 lead that they would take into the half.

The second half saw much of the same, as the Lady Cougars continued to pressure the ball up the field and force shots on the Fleming goal. Lauren McPeak, Ciara Sarver, and Nash would each add goals in the final half to give Pulaski the 7-0 win. Nash would finish with two goals and one assist, McPeak and Lovell finished with one goal and one assist each. Kelly Russell added two assists, while in goal Alisha Romain had three saves before being relieved by Tori Duncan, who recorded three saves.

"Chelsie Testerman played fantastic in the back along, with Briana Blankenship and Kristina Simpkins" said Coach Martin. "We're very pleased. We set out to win and we did. We possessed the ball well, we played in their half of the field, and we were able to put pressure on the ball the instant Fleming touched it. This was a total team performance tonight. Now we need to get back to work and get ready for our next game. As a program we are still behind the power curve when compared to some others, but we're making progress. We've set our goals, and we're going to work hard to reach them."

The Lady Cougars hit the road Monday to face Radford, and then travel to Galax on Wednesday. Junior varsity action for each game starts at 5:30, with varsity games set to start at 7 pm.

Lady Cougars Blast Galax

Wright Leads Lady Cougars Past Galax
By David Gravely

Hitting a home run is a pretty big deal, but hitting two in the same game is really something to talk about. Add to that the fact that you also add a double to go 3 of 4 at bat, earn 3 RBI's, and steal a base and you get the results that Pulaski County Lady Cougar softball player Sara Wright had on Wednesday in their 15-2 win over Galax.

"This was a great hitting effort for us" said Head Coach Gina Miano. "All of our players contributed in one way or the other, and were able to get some players some valuable field time. Two home runs out of the park in the same game.....I've never seen that on my team in 15 yrs. coaching. This was a huge night for Sara."

The offensive attack started early for the Lady Cougars, with lead off batter Jordan Chrisley getting things started with a double. After stealing third, Chrisley scored on an RBI single by Kelli Duncan. Duncan was thrown out at second when Lauren Shumate hit a single, but Wrights first at bat of the night was a double to move Shumate to third. Chelsea Golden came up to bat next, and after making contact she showed some hustle and made it to first on a Galax error as Shumate scored. Carli Brewer hit a sacrifice bunt to score Wright before the inning ended with Pulaski up 3-0.

After the strong first inning showing, the Lady Cougars never looked back, adding two runs in the second inning and then four more in the third inning. The fourth inning found Wright back up to the plate, and when her pitch came she connected, sending the ball sailing over the 200 foot mark for a solo home run. Up 10-2 in the fifth inning, the Lady Cougars began to work more players into the game and were held scoreless for the first time. The quiet time ended in the when Pulaski came back up to the plate in the sixth inning, however, and after Shumate sent the ball up the left baseline for a double, Wright stepped in to once again crush the ball, sending it sailing over the center field fence with plenty of distance to spare. The Lady Cougars added a total of five runs in the sixth inning, off of four hits, one walk, and plenty of hustle around the bases.

Wright led the Lady Cougars at the plate, going 3 of 4 with two home runs, a double, three RBI's, three runs scored and a stolen base. Shumate went 2 of 4 with two runs scored, a double, two RBI's and a steal. Chrisley added a 2 of 4 effort with three runs scored, two doubles, three RBI's, and three stolen bases. Lauren Foster went 2 of 4 with two runs scored, including a deep triple, two RBI's and a stolen base, and Britta Cannoy went 2 of 4 with two runs scored, an RBI and a steal. Kelli Duncan went 1 for 3 with two RBI's, while Katherine Hurst earned two walks in her three plate appearances, scoring two runs and stealing a base. Chelsea Golden also scored a run after getting on base due to a Galax error. In all, the Lady Cougars had 12 hits and one error, while holding Galax to five hits and four errors.

Kaitlin Smith started things off on the mound for Pulaski, facing 14 batters during the first three innings and allowing three hits, two runs (two earned) and striking out five batters. Callie Gregory finished the game for the Lady Cougars, facing 12 batters in the final innings. With that she allowed two hits and one walk, striking out two batters.

"This was a great offensive effort not only for Sara, but for our entire team" said Miano. "Some of the kids came around and got their "mojo" back at the plate, and we had a lot of great base running and steals. We're very proud of the effort we put out tonight, and we're really excited to play our next game"

The win moves Pulaski to 2-1 on the season, with their next game scheduled for Saturday on a road trip to James Monroe High School. Pulaski will finish out the week with a road trip to Patrick Henry on Wednesday and then hosting Floyd on Friday.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cat Fight Ends In Tie

Cat Fight Ends In Tie
By David Gravely

The Pulaski County Cougars and the Radford Bobcats faced off Tuesday at Radford High School in what was a tough and physical match up. In the end, a penalty kick by each team put the only points on the board as the game ended in an overtime tie.

During the first half both teams battled back and forth, but the goal keepers from both teams did their jobs and kept the game scoreless. While both teams had opportunities to score, the half would end deadlocked 0-0.

The second half started the same as the first, with neither team able to take advantage of open shots on goal and good runs. With 13:25 left in the game, Pulaski was awarded a penalty kick on the Radford goal. Cody Wright stepped up and capitalized, making the score 1-0 for the Cougars. The Bobcats went back on the attack, and with 6:50 remaining Radford was awarded a penalty kick of their own. Caleb Findley sent the ball towards the Cougars goal, and while Pulaski keeper Zack Willard did get a hand on the ball, it went in to tie the score at 1-1.

The time on the clock ran out with the score still tied, sending the game into overtime. In out of district contests, two five minute overtime periods are played in an attempt to break a tie. Both overtimes went scoreless, and the issue will have to be continued next Monday as the Bobcats travel to Pulaski for the return match.

"I thought we hustled more tonight, but we are still having problems capitalizing on our chances" said Cougar Head Coach Mike Price. "We had a couple of breakaways, set-pieces, and shots that were off target. I liked that we increased our offensive push in the second half, but I think we are still a step-off where we want to be. We have a couple of days to rest and work on improving some areas. It was a rough, physical game, and I think the majority of the guys handled themselves well despite the circumstances. We still need to exhibit some control out there."

The junior varsity contest was delayed due to lightning in the area, but in the end it ended in a scoreless tie. The two teams will meet again on Monday at Kenneth J. Dobson Stadium. JV action is set to begin at 5:30, with the varsity action getting underway at 7 pm.

Lady Bobcats Claw Past Lady Cougars

Lady Bobcats Claw Past Lady Cougars
By David Gravely

Pulaski Counties Lauren McPeak made good on a penalty kick early in the first half to tie the game at 1-1 , but the Radford Lady Bobcats were not to be denied as they went on to win by a final score of 7-1 on Tuesday in Dublin.

After assaulting the Pulaski goal for the first several minutes of the game, Radford started the scoring with 34 minutes remaining in the first half on a hard shot that got past Cougar goalie Alisha Romain.  Just over a minute later, a Radford penalty gave Pulaski a penalty kick, which McPeak converted to tie things back up at 1-1.

The Lady Bobcats would continue to pressure the ball against the Lady Cougar defense, adding a goal at the 28 minute mark and the 12 minute mark of the first half.  Despite a few deep runs, Pulaski was unable to get clean shots on the Radford goal, and the half ended with Radford ahead 3-1.

Pulaski was again put on their heels early in the second half, and the Lady Bobcats would go on to score four more unanswered goals to take a 7-1 win back across the bridge.   Cougar goal keeper Alisha Romain finished the game with 12 saves.

"We did some good things and I can see the improvement" said Lady Cougar Head Coach Eric Martin.   "However, at this level we have to play much faster and be more physical.   We did not do a good job of getting to the ball first and did not win hardly any of the 50/50 balls.   After good games against Galax and Carroll County we needed a good back to reality game that showed us how much work there still needs to be done. Overall, we got better and that is what matters the most."

The Lady Cougar junior varsity team also fell to Radford, giving up a 7-0 lead before the game was called short due to lightning in the area.  The Lady Cougars get no rest, as they hit the road on Thursday to face William Fleming in Roanoke.   Junior varsity action is set to begin at 5:30, with the varsity game getting underway at 7 pm.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lady Cougars Drop Close One To Floyd

Lady Cougars Fall To Floyd
By David Gravely

Two days after an impressive opening day win, the Pulaski County Lady Cougar Softball team got it's first taste of defeat as they fell on the road to Floyd by a final score of 4-2.

The first inning found the Lady Cougars ready to pick up where they left off Wednesday with the bats. Jordan Chrisley led off with a single, and then Carli Brewer moved her to second on a sacrifice bunt.   Brooke Hundley hit another sacrifice to move Chrisley to third base, and then Sarah Wright hit a single, scoring Chrisley and putting the Lady Cougars up 1-0.

Floyd answered immediately, but it was errors and mistakes by Pulaski that gave them that chance instead of solid hitting. The Lady Buffalo's scored two runs in the bottom of the first inning off of a walk and two errors to take a 2-1 lead.

The second innings went scoreless for both teams, as both had trouble throughout the game getting the bat on the ball. Pulaski added a run in the top of the third to tie things up, but Floyd came back again when they were able to get a hit to put a runner on base in the third. Two errors later the Lady Buffs retook the lead, 3-1.

The final score of the game came in the sixth inning when Aimee Royal of Floyd hit a booming triple, and then the Lady Buffs were able to execute a squeeze play to get the earned run and the final 4-2 margin of victory.

Pulaski attempted to comeback in the seventh inning, and with one out on the board Kelli Duncan hit a double, followed by a Lauren Foster double to move Duncan to third. Floyd intentionally walked heavy hitter Jordan Chrisley, hoping to have better luck with Brewer. Brewer connected with the ball, but it went to third for a ground out, holding the runners in place. Brooke Hundley took the Floyd pitcher to a full count, but a strike on a checked swing ended the rally for the Lady Cougars.

"It was a great game even though we lost" said Lady Cougar Head Coach Gina Miano. "We had too many errors. They had one earned run, we had two, so our errors beat us defensively. Our rally in the seventh showed that our girls were ready to play. We were in a position to win but couldn't quite get it. It was a great learning experience. The kids started slow but then finished and never gave up. If you take away one of those errors, the game is ours. As much as we hated to lose it, I'm proud of the effort and the growth we will gain from this. We showed good composure and are ready to get back at it."

Jordan Chrisley led the Lady Cougars at the plate with a 2 for 3 effort, scoring two runs and also earning a walk.  Sara Wright went 2 for 2 with an RBI and a stolen base, while Kelli Duncan went 1 for 2.  Lauren Foster went 1 for 3 with her seventh inning double, and freshman Chelsea Golden went 1 for 3.  Brooke Hundley earned an RBI on one of her two sacrifice bunts, and Lauren Shumate earned a stolen base.  On the mound, Kaitlin Smith went all seven innings, facing 34 batters.  In that time she allowed six hits, four runs, one earned run, one walk, and struck out five batters.

The Lady Cougars get back into action on Wednesday when they travel to Galax to take on the Lady Maroon Tide. Game start time is set for 5 pm.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lady Cougars Roll In Season Opener

Lady Cougars Down Patrick Henry
By David Gravely

The bats were hot and the defense looks tough as the Pulaski County Lady Cougars started their 2012 season off with a commanding 10-2 win over the visiting Patrick Henry Lady Patriots on Wednesday in Dublin.

"We're pretty happy with what we saw today" said Head Coach Gina Miano. "We hit the ball well, and played solid defense. It was a great overall team performance. Our older players did what they were supposed to do, and we got some nice surprises from a few of our younger players as well. They all really stepped it up today and did a great job."

The Lady Cougars came out of the gate hot, shutting Patrick Henry down in the top of the first. Once they came to the plate, the momentum continued when lead off batter Jordan Chrisley got things started with a double. Carli Brewer hit a single, moving Chrisley to third, and then stole second base to put two runners in scoring position. Brooke Hundley hit an RBI single to score Chrisley and move Brewer to third, and then Sara Wright stepped in to hit a two RBI single to score both Brewer and Hundley. With one out on the board, Kelly Duncan hit a sacrifice bunt to move Wright to second, but the next two batters struck out to end the inning with Pulaski up 3-0.
Pulaski would again shut down Patrick Henry in the top of the second inning, and then Jordan Chrisley added her second run of the game off of a hit followed by a Patrick Henry error. The third inning was scoreless for both teams, leaving the Lady Cougars up 4-0 going into the fourth.

Solid pitching from senior Kaitlin Smith, along with solid defense from the rest of the team, left the Lady Patriots again unable to put anything on the scoreboard in the top of the fourth inning. Pulaski came back up to bat, but two quick outs put them in a hole early. Chrisley got things going again with a triple hit to deep left center field, and after being hit by a pitch Brewer stole second to again put Pulaski in a good position. Hundley crushed a two RBI double to score Chrisley and Brewer, and then Sara Wright hit another single to score Hundley. Good base running by Wright allowed her to get to third base on Kelly Duncans single, and then Duncan stole second. As Duncan was stealing second, Wright made a quick move and was able to steal home, giving Pulaski it's fourth run of the inning and an 8-0 lead.

The fifth inning found the Lady Cougars with a new pitcher on the mound, as freshman Callie Gregory came in to relieve Smith. In her first inning as a varsity pitcher, she faced five batters and allowed one run on two hits, but her second inning is the one she will remember the most. A pop fly gave her the first out, and a solid effort gave her the first strike out of her Lady Cougar career. The third batter connected with the ball, hitting a line drive directly back at her, hitting her just above the knee at full speed. While she did come out of the game to get some much needed ice, the promising freshman did come back out without issues for the handshake at the end of the game.

The Lady Cougars and Lady Patriots would each go on to add two runs as the backups came into the game, and the contest would end with Pulaski getting the 10-2 win.

"We've still got some injuries we're trying to get healed up, but I thought our younger players really did a good job stepping in tonight" said Miano. "Before the game the girls were excited instead of nervous. During the game, they reacted like veterans and like they had been there before. There was alot of enthusiasm throughout the game, and we backed each other up. Those are all really good signs of things to come. They've worked really hard, and we had a really good last two practices. Coach Vern had the pitchers ready, and Coach Brewer did a great job having the batters ready. I think we're on the right path."

The Lady Cougars will be back in action on Friday, as they host Floyd at the Lady Cougar Softball Field at 5 pm. "We haven't beaten Floyd before. They are a tough program, so this will tell us exactly where we are. I think this team is looking forward to the challenge."

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lady Cougars Open Season With Win

Lady Cougars Open Season With Win
By David Gravely
After suffering through some tough times over the past several years, the Pulaski County Lady Cougars did something Wednesday night that no other team in the programs recent memory has done as they defeated the Galax Maroon Tide 3-0 in their season opener.

"I thought we did well, but we know we still have work to do" said Lady Cougar Head Coach Eric Martin.  "We passed and moved the ball well, and I thought we played solid defense.  We didn't take as many shots as we could have in the first half, but we corrected that in the second half.  The girls have come a very long way since this time last season, and we're really happy to get the win."

Pulaski started off quickly, pressuring the ball onto the Galax side of the field and keeping it there for most of the contest.  Ten minutes into the game, a Lauren McPeak was awarded a penalty kick for a Galax handball from just outside the goal box.  McPeak sent the ball into the upper right corner of the net just past the outstretched arms of the Galax goalie, putting Pulaski up 1-0.  While the Lady Cougars continued to pressure the ball, they were unable to get clear shots for the rest of the half.

The second half saw Pulaski pick up the pace even more, and the Maroon Tide goal was constantly peppered with shots.  After only putting 7 shots attempts up during the first half, the Lady Cougars attempted 18 shots in the second.  With just under 15 minutes remaining in the contest, McPeak suddenly found herself alone with the ball just 15 yards from the goal.  This time the tall senior sent the ball to the upper left side of the net for her second goal of the contest.  Just one minute later, McPeak sent a free kick into the box where sophomore Ericka Nash made an aggressive move and headed the ball into the net to give Pulaski the final 3-0 margin of victory.

Alisha Romain started in the goal for Pulaski, recording three saves.  Tori Duncan came in to relieve Romain, recording one save.  While the opening night win is a first in some time for the Lady Cougars, as was the shutout.  "We did what we wanted to do tonight, which was possessing the ball and keeping it on their side of the field" said Coach Martin.  "We passed the ball really well, but we need to make sure we take advantage of our shot opportunities more often.  Not shooting well or often enough will eventually come back to bite us.   We did see alot of good things tonight though, and we are going to continue to work hard to get better."

The Lady Cougars will be back in action on Tuesday, as they host Radford at Kenneth J. Dobson Stadium.  Junior varsity action is set to begin at 5 pm, with the varsity game getting started at 7 pm.

Cougar Soccer Survives Season Opener

Cougar Soccer Survives Season Opener
By David Gravely

Pulaski County Head Soccer Coach Mike Price had a hoarse voice by the end of his teams first game of the season, as his Cougars fell behind the visiting Galax Maroon Tide 1-0 at the start of the second half. Fortunately, they were able to put things together to start 2012 off with a 2-1 win.

"After two successful scrimmages against Marion and Carroll County, we thought we were ready" said Coach Price. "Instead, we got more than we bargained for, and had to fight hard to come from behind to win. They were fast, and we made plenty of mistakes. We've still got some things to work on."
During the first half, the ball went back and forth with neither team gaining a real advantage. The Cougars had six scoring opportunities to put the ball in the back of the net, but failed to do so. After both team pressured the goals and were denied, the half ended 0-0.

Galax came out ready during the second half, and scored just two minutes in due to a blown coverage by the Cougar defense. The Galax forward caught the Cougar defender out of position and took off on a breakaway opportunity. Zack Willard tried to charge the forward, but a well placed ball found the back of the net, making the score 1-0.

The Cougars once again had trouble finding the back of the net, but they kept pressing. Pulaski would finally get on the board when Javier Wagner sent a pass to Zack Akers who knocked the ball home to tie the score 1-1. For the next several minutes the Cougars traded shots with the Maroon Tide, with both teams missing key chances to score. With the clock winding down, Pulaski finally capitalized on a great pass from Cody Wright to Javier Wagner. Wagner received the pass from Wright, lured the Galax defender to keep close, then chipped the ball into the upper right hand corner, making the score 2-1. Galax kept pressing, but the Cougar defense was able to hold, and the game ended with the score 2-1. Zack Willard had 4 saves in the contest.

"Galax had a really fast and skilled team" said Price. "Our defense basically ran the entire game trying to cover them. We were really confused tonight on offense. We wasted a lot of opportunities tonight. Instead of working the ball, we were hasty and made poor decisions. Three or four people cannot win the game, it takes everyone. The quicker they learn that, the better off we will be. I am also disappointed in some of the hustle tonight. We were waiting for the ball to come to us instead of getting to the ball first. Our communication on defense and in the midfield is an area of concern as well."

While he was disappointed with some points of the game, Price was pleased to see his team find a way to win. "Taylor Webster had a great game for us tonight. He won many balls out of the air, and provided a spark of hustle late in the second half that led to a score. In the end though, a win is a win and I'll take it. Hopefully we can learn from this and get better. We will have to be better playing Radford back to back next week. At least we have a week to get things back on track, and play like the team I know we are."

The Cougars hit the road on Tuesday to play Radford, then return home to host the Bobcats on Monday, March 26. Junior varsity action will get underway for both contests at 5 pm, with the varsity action getting under way at 7 pm.

Friday, March 2, 2012

2012 Lady Cougar Softball: Ready To Run!!

Lady Cougar Softball Ready To Run
By David Gravely

Pulaski County Lady Cougar Softball Head Coach Gina Miano did not hesitate to say what her plans are for the 2012 season. "We are going to take a lot of chances, and we are going to let go of our fears. It's time to step things up a notch, and these girls are ready."

Coming off of a 10-9 overall record and a 5-5 River Ridge District season that found them falling in the district play in game, the Lady Cougars are returning a dangerous mix of players that combine speed, solid hitting, and a solid knowledge of the game. Six of last years starters return, as well as three other players who saw considerable action throughout the season. You can also add to that what may be one of the deepest potential pitching lineups the Lady Cougars have had in years.
"We've not been able to get past the district tournament play in game for the past few years" said Coach Miano. "We have got to get that monkey off of our back. There have been times when injuries and just plain bad luck have hurt us, but we're not going to make excuses. It's time for us to get to the next level, and the team knows what we need to do to get it done."

Two seniors start the Lady Cougars lineup this year. Outfielder Lauren Foster was hampered by an injury from an auto accident last season, but on her return she showed constant improvement in hitting and base running. At the end of the season, she was selected as the Most Improved Player from the squad. Senior Kaitlin Smith returns for her final season in the cardinal and gold after she was able to finish the regular season with 10 wins last season as a starting pitcher. With some backup on the mound this season, Smith may be able to save some of her arm strength for key games instead of having to start every game.

The junior class will contribute six members to the squad, several of which were key members of last years squad. Sara Wright, who spent most of last season on first base, may be moved to another infield spot this year due to some tough off season workouts that have helped improve her speed and agility. Brooke Hundley, who played second base last season, could also find herself in a new position in the infield as Coach Miano looks to find the best spot for each of her athletes. Jordan Chrisley returns for her third year behind the plate, and looks to provide toughness and leadership as the teams catcher. Kelli Duncan, who finished last season tied for the fourth highest batting average on the team, has had a rough start to the season as she is nursing a stress fracture that hampered her throughout basketball season as well. The player she tied with, Carli Brewer, will also be back in the outfield and looking to help Pulaski topple the districts top teams. The final two juniors are Amber Cannoy and Britta Cannoy, who move up from last years JV team. Both sisters are quick with both the bats and their feet, and can provide backup at about any spot on the field when needed.

The sophomore class will add three more members to the team, of which two saw playing time with the varsity squad last season as freshmen. Lauren Shumate looks to be one of the leading candidates for first base, as she could provide a solid glove and seems to be learning the game at a fast pace. Katie Hurst will be looking to find a home in the starting lineup as well, as she looks to be faster and more confident during the early season practices. Leah Nichols is the final sophomore on the team, as she moves up from last years junior varsity squad. Nichols could be called upon to work in the outfield, but she is currently working on recovering from a hip injury that has slowed her down.

The final two players are the babies of the team, in the form of freshmen Chelsea Golden and Callie Gregory. Golden has proven to be very athletic and shows no fear, either in the field or in the batters box. With a chance to learn the game more, she could quickly become a big part of the team. Gregory could see some time in the outfield, but her main job will be working on her pitching as Coach Miano looks to expand her threat on the mound.

"Every position is open right now" said Miano. "The good news is that we have several girls that are competing for those spots, so every day we are making each other better. We're working hard, and we seem to have really good team chemistry. These girls like each other and get along well. I think we're in better shape physically as a team than we have been before, and most of the girls have taken advantage of the physical conditioning class the school offers. We're stronger, faster, and more agile because of that. I'm still in the search mode right now, trying to figure out who is going to be best for each spot, but as time goes on I'm getting more and more excited about our chances."

The River Ridge District will, as always, be a tough road. Salem, Cave Spring, and Hidden Valley should all be early season favorites, but Blacksburg and Christiansburg should both be tough as well with a good portion of their teams returning. "It's always tough to play the teams we play" said Miano. "Our district usually sends a team or two deep into the Region 4 playoffs, so the competition is going to be stiff. The girls did some really good things in the off season though, so we're looking to do some damage. We should be able to hit well, our defense should be solid, and our base running should be fast paced. We're not going to hold anything back, so if you want to see something exciting come on out and check us out."

The junior varsity squad is doing a solid job of program building as well, as they are fielding the team with a mix of underclassmen and middle school players. Expect good things from Katie Akers, Courtney Beville, Shianne Buckner, Caitie Cox, Ashley Curtis, Chelsey Gravely, Kennedi Hart, Sindie Hedge, Lauren King, Sierra Martin, Maegen Memitt, Amanda Monroe, Jade Murray, Caroline Powers, Heather Prescott, and Marissa Stephens. The junior varsity team is managed by Tracy Reed and Chelsea Doss, and coached by Kim Nelson and Amanda Dishon.

The action gets started quickly, as the Lady Cougars get into scrimmage action this coming week. The varsity team will be on the road for their first scrimmage on Monday at Auburn. The junior varsity will play the Eagles at home. On Friday the varsity team will again be on the road, as they travel to Glenvar for their final scrimmage of the preseason, and again the JV team will be at home. Start time for all of these scrimmages is 4:30. The season opener will be on March 14, with the varsity Lady Cougars hosting Patrick Henry at the Lady Cougar softball field starting at 5 pm.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lady Cougar Soccer Ready To Run

Lady Cougar Soccer Working Hard
By David Gravely
Pulaski County High School Lady Cougar Head Soccer Coach Eric Martin took over the reigns of the program last season, leading the Lady Cougars to their first wins in several years. This season he hopes to not only gain a few wins, but is looking to move Pulaski County into a more competitive frame of mind.

"2011 was a transition year for this program, but also a very successful one" said Coach Martin. "Although the numbers did not show it, we established the expectations for this program and we believe we have the girls who want to be here and who want to compete. As for this year we hope to get more wins for the program and also be more competitive in our district which is the most talented district in AA Girls Soccer. Our ultimate goal is to create an atmosphere of extreme competitiveness within each team and apply that to our games. We expect to be in every game this season until the final whistle."

This off season was a busy one for the Lady Cougars. While some play basketball or are a part of the cheer team, there were also many who took the time to get involved with other soccer related groups. "We had several players play club soccer for various clubs in the area" said Coach Martin. "We also took advantage of the new VHSL Out of Season Practice rule and used it as skill development training for the girls a couple days each week. Then from the end of November through the start of the season we conducted weight lifting and conditioning. We also had a portion of our girls play in an indoor soccer league this winter as well."

The Lady Cougars will have a strong core of senior leaders to work with this season. "We have five returning seniors with one senior who is new to the program. Lauren McPeake was an honorable mention last season in the River Ridge District and was our co-leading scorer. We expect a very big season from Chelsie Testerman, who had a very productive off-season. Chelsie may have a set position on paper, but she will be used pretty much everywhere on the field and is an excellent teammate. Casey Snider is also expected to have her best season yet. Casey brings a very positive energy to the team and she is beginning to show that in her level of play as well. Kelly Russell returns for her last season at PCHS and she too has improved. Tori Duncan will return as one of our goal-keepers, and we hope she can keep improving and end her career on a high note at PCHS. Haley Sutphin is our new senior this year, and while she is new to soccer she has a strong desire to learn and great athletic ability. She has the attitude our program needs and we hope that spreads to our younger players."

Four other returning starters will be joining those seniors to help provide direction to the program. "Ericka Nash is one of our returning starters who was second team All River Ridge district as a Freshman last season, but we have her in a different role this year. Last season Ericka anchored our back line and played fantastic. This season, we expect Ericka to continue that level of play in the midfield. We hope she can create goals for herself and for her teammates. Briana Blankenship returns to be the anchor in the back for us this season. Briana was an honorable mention for the River Ridge District last season as a Freshman she had a very productive off-season. Briana brings skill, speed, and attitude to our team, and we expect her continue improving and being a leader in the back. Kourtney Stuart returns for her junior season, and she brings a very intense level of play to our team which spreads throughout the entire group. We hope that continues, and Kourtney is learning more and more every day she trains. Lauren Dunford is returning for her sophomore season, and she brings that hard-nose attitude in our midfield and has been a very strong leader this off-season."

With some holes to fill in the lineup, Coach Martin has had his eyes open looking for players that want to seize the opportunity. "We had several players who have stepped it up during the off season who we expect to contribute to our program instantly. Riley Chitwood is a freshmen who has a high level of fitness and her skills are getting better at a very fast pace. Ciara Sarver is a returning sophomore who we expect to contribute in our midfield. Ciara is a great teammate and we expect her play at a higher level and more consistent this season. Other players who are expected to contribute to our team this season are Alisha Romain, Kristiana Simpkins, Breanna Lowles, and Caitlin Lovell. Alisha will be one our goal keepers and is one of the best athletes in the district. Kristina is a freshmen who is a very intelligent soccer player. We hope to get her injuries sorted out so she can show everyone what she can do. Breanna and Caitlin are both sophomores who we expect to contribute to our program in various spots. Both have a lot of potential and are great teammates."

For the past few years, the Lady Cougars have been plagued with injuries and other issues that have kept them from being competitive. This year, the hope is that all of that is in the past. "We earned a little respect from our opponents last season, and now we want to show them we can compete and be in any game we step into. Our motto this season is "All In." We want our players to completely buy into what we are teaching them put everything they have into what hopes to be PCHS Girls Soccer's best season yet. We hope anyone that watches this group play will see a team that will finish every game and can see a team who will compete for the entire 80 minutes."

The future is looking brighter for the Lady Cougars, as this season has found a large group of eighth graders from both of our counties middle schools involved throughout the off season in hopes of earning a spot on the junior varsity team. As of this time, there are eleven eighth graders on the JV team (Kaitlin Edwards, Michelle Hernandez, Mariah Hinton, Alexis Hurst, Erin McPeake, Morgan Midkiff, Ashleigh Powers, Morgan Ratcliff, Maria Ruvios, Mackenzie Sadler, and Madison Surber), who will be led by four freshmen (A’me Baber, Madison Jones, Casey Reese, and Jamie Vasquez), and three sophomores (Judy Cid, Tabitha Cressell, and Autumn Miller).

The Lady Cougars will travel to William Bryd for a preseason jamboree on Saturday, and have other scrimmages scheduled as they prepare for regular season action. The official opening game will be a home game on March 13 against the Galax Maroon Tide. Junior varsity action is set to begin at 4:30, with the varsity contest set to begin at 7 pm.

Cougar Soccer Expecting Big Things

Expectations High for Cougar Soccer
By David Gravely

The Pulaski County High School boys varsity soccer team was able to win some tough games last year, but this season they are expecting to make a strong showing in the always tough River Ridge District as they return all but one member of last years young team.

"We started off strong last year, but we couldn't close out the season" said Cougar Head Coach Mike Price. "We only lost one senior from last year's squad, so I'm excited about having all the guys back. This is my tenth year as coach, and I can honestly say that not many of the past teams are comparable to the talent of this team. I am expecting more out of these guys. We have 15 seniors on this squad, so I'm looking for many of them to provide leadership."

While having 15 returning seniors is never going to be a bad thing, Price also has plenty of other younger players to work with. "Even though we a senior heavy team, I think we have a good mix. My job is to try and bring them all together, so the first couple of scrimmages and games are going to be crazy trying to find out the most effective lineup. We have a deep bench this year. Basically we have 17 guys who could start, so when we have to make substitutions, we won't lose a step. We have been conditioning since January, so the boys are chomping at the bit to play their first game."

Offensively, the Cougars look stronger than they ever have. Up front, the forwards are junior Zack Akers, sophomore Andrew Powers, senior Josh Dalton, sophomore Austin Talbert, and junior Javier Wagner. Akers is a returning starter who was named to the River Ridge District second team last year, and led the team with 10 goals.

"Zack provides us with a strong physical presence up front, and he is actually good at feeding the ball to others" said Price. "Andrew Powers saw considerable time last year as a freshman, and has a solid shot and great placement. Andrew is so unselfish with the ball, always wanting to set up others. This year I want him firing away a bit more. Dalton is the lone senior of the group, and was responsible for 2 goals last season. Talbert came up big for us last year in big games, and was one of our scoring leaders. He has great breakaway abilities, and will also contribute in the midfield. Wagner is a transfer student who had to sit out last year. He is very skilled with the ball, has a great shot, and is hard to contain. All these guys are unselfish with the ball, and they all will be expected to contribute. No matter who is in at the time, all these guys can find the back of the net."

Further back on the field, the good news keeps on coming. Key returners who started last year are senior Tyler Trussler, senior Cody Wright, senior Cory McDaniel, sophomore Tye Saul, and senior Taylor Webster. Rounding out the midfield are senior Trevor Hedge and senior Dylan Reichner, along with newcomers sophomore Daegan Friend, senior Christian Fore, and junior Jordan Reed. 

"Tyler will be one of our center midfielders and may play on the left side at times" said Price. "The left footer was second team River Ridge District last year, and he can pass well, has well placed free kicks. He is good at keeping the ball at his feet. Wright was named to the district honorable mention team last year, and will be in the center the majority of the time. Wright also has a strong left leg, can provide accurate crosses, and will handle many of our corner kick plays. McDaniel will work on the right side. Cory plays defense very well in the midfield, and we are wanting him to drive the ball down the right side this year. He will also work out of the other center midfield spot at times."

"Taylor Webster will handle our "stopper" duties, which is basically a defensive midfielder position. Taylor's size and height help him stop offensive runs before they start. He also does a great job winning balls out of the air and has a strong leg. Saul saw considerable playing time last year as a freshman. Tye is very good with the ball, and likes to set other up. He will move around the midfield a lot. Friend was a starter for the JV squad last year. Daegan has improved a great deal from last year. He has speed and determination that will come in handy. He may also play up front at times. Christian is a transfer from North Carolina, but originally played at Pulaski County as an 8th grader. He gives some size and height to the midfield. Hedge has shown dramatic improvement in the off season, and Reichner hustles all the time. Reed moves up from the JV squad this year."

While the offensive and midfield players look strong, the Cougars defensive players may be one of their strongest groups. "Defensively, we have more players this year than last year" said Price. "Returning starters from last year include senior Gabe LeBlanc, senior Cody Linkous, senior Brandon Brock, and senior Jordan Taylor. We also have senior James Crandall and senior Cooper Stephens returning for a successful senior year. New to the team this year are senior Kevin Powell, junior Arman Cruise, and junior Ryan Pfeiffer. LeBlanc was named to the first team All District last year. Gabe's size, determination, and leadership were key for us, and we're counting on it again. He is responsible for marking the other team's offensive threats. Linkous was named to the River Ridge District's honorable mention team. Cody plays center back for us, and he brings speed and hustle. Taylor returns to the right side, and he also gives us speed and the ability to bring the ball up out of the defense. Brandon is one of the quickest players on the team. He can recover quickly, and is not afraid to get physical. Crandall and Stephens can bring a change of pace and they both never give up. Crandall will work on the right side with Stephens working on the left. Cruise was a starter on the JV squad last year. He is an intelligent player who uses the sideline well. Powell is a quick and powerful player. We will use him to beef up on some players, and he definitely has some defensive abilities. Pfeiffer is a dedicated defender that can be physical as well. Overall, we have the speed and size to slow down many teams."

The final piece of the puzzle is the goal keeper. Zack Willard returns to try and best his first team River Ridge District and Region IV honorable mention accomplishments from last year. "Zack is a phenomenal goalkeeper, one of the best I have ever seen. His kicks and punts are instant offense, and his diving ability is impressive. He cuts angles well, and he takes a lot of balls out of the air. When Zack is having a great game, it is hard to score on him. He kept a lot of balls out of the goal last year, and had 4 shut outs to his credit. Zack has the ability to keep us in games if things aren't going as planned. If the defense and Zack are clicking, a lot of teams will have a hard time getting off quality shots."

With the official start of the season drawing close, Coach Price is hoping that all the hard work from last year and during the off season will pay off. "I am excited about this year, and I am demanding the best out of these guys. Ricky Wright has been working them hard the whole off season. I honestly would be lost without Rick. He does so many of the behind the scenes things that helps keep things running smoothly. We have a great system in place, and I hope all the hard work pays off. These guys have the ability to do something special, but they will have to continue to work hard and stay focused to get it."

The Cougars kick things off this Friday, as they host Marion in a scrimmage at Kenneth J. Dobson Stadium. JV action is set to get underway at 4:30, and the varsity matchup is scheduled to begin at 7 pm.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Spartan Coach Comments Questionable

Spartan Coach Comments Questionable
By David Gravely

While I normally don't get into the battle of words that some coaches seem to want to constantly get into, a recent story in the Roanoke Times caught my attention more than any has recently.

Let me show you what was said first.  From the Roanoke Times article:
But(Salem Coach)Harrell's joy was muted because his star player, junior Tay Taylor, was not named district player of the year. That honor was awarded to co-winners Tyler Evans of Hidden Valley and Sydney Anderson of Pulaski County.
"[Tay] averaged 17 points, 7 assists, 5 rebounds and 4 steals for us this year," Harrell said. "Plus she's already gotten 10 offers from colleges to play at the next level, and no one else around can say that. I'm disappointed; I'm upset. She's not getting recognized the way she should be."

I would suggest that while Taylor is certainly a fine athlete and well deserving of the attention she is getting, Evans and Anderson are also in that class, and while I don't have Evans stats on hand, Anderson can certainly boast comparable if not better stats.  Let's also face the fact that they are also getting those stats on teams that are not as well balanced as Salem is this year, and they get their stats in games where most of the times the opponent can focus on them, making those stats even more impressive.  If Taylor was the lone standout player for the Spartans, I would suggest that she may not have those impressive numbers.

And for the record, in the three meetings that Pulaski and Salem have had this season:
Anderson had 22 points in game one, 12 in game two, and 19 points in the last meeting.
Taylor had unknown in game one, 7 in game two, and 17 points in game three.

Anderson is averaging 18.7 points per game, 7.4 rebounds per game, and 3.9 steals per game.  She doesn't get as many assists (.7 per game), but her presence on the court does free up the other players for their shots.

Salem is winning this year because they have a very balanced team and can attack you from many spots.  If Taylor finds an opening, she'll drive the lane for the layup.  If not, she can drive and dish it off to the next girl for the layup, or pass it back out for one of Salem's other effective shooters to hit the deeper ball.  Defensively they play tough as nails, and they have very good team speed and athleticism. 

At the high school level, when you have that many fast players with good ball handling skills and decent shots, you're going to be a hard team to handle.  Salem has proven they have that this season, with an unblemished River Ridge District record.  They won the regular season and tournament titles.  They didn't do that BECAUSE OF Tay Taylor, they did it WITH Tay Taylor and her talented teammates.

Nobody is trying to say that Tay Taylor isn't a fine basketball player who will do well at the next level.  BUT, if she wasn't on the floor for the Spartans, they would still be balanced and athletic enough to make a run at things, while Pulaski would be hard pressed to replace Anderson. 

The Award "RRD Player of the Year" is not only for the best basketball player, but for the player that also best carries the load for their team.  It's for the player that takes on the position of team leader and assumes the responsibility to take their team to the next level.   I would suggest that the selection of Anderson and Evans not only validates the award, but it gives respect to Salem for having such a balanced team this season.

Shame on you Coach Harrell, for disrespecting not only the two young ladies who were selected for the award, but for disrespecting your entire team and their commendable accomplishments this season with your comments.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Win A Car With Cougar Soccer
By David Gravely

The Pulaski County High School Cougar Soccer team has been working hard to raise money for their upcoming season, and in the process of that they have teamed up with the Shelor Motor Mile to raffle off a new car.

The Cougars, along with other teams from around the area, are selling tickets for $1 each. All money made from the ticket sales is to be used by the particular team selling the tickets. Also, anyone buying a car from Shelor can participate in their "Growing the Future" program. For each vehicle sold, the buyer can fill out a donation card, and the participating school will receive a $100 donation from Shelors as part of the program. The individual schools PTA/PTO organizations are distributing these cards. There are currently two schools from our county participating in this program, Pulaski County High School and Pulaski Middle School, and donation cards can be picked up from the main offices of these schools.

The official drawing will be held in the fall, right before the start of the new school year. The winner will get a new compact car donated by the Shelor Motor Mile. The dealership has also set up a scholarship fund, which awards $1000 scholarships to graduating seniors each year. Since the start of this program a decade ago, over $110,000 has been awarded to local youth.

For more information about the Growing the Future program or how you can help support Pulaski County High School athletics, contact Mark Hanks at 643-0747, or Dede Stone at 382-2981.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

8th Grade Cougars Win Cougar Classic

8th Grade Cougars Win In AAU
By David Gravely

Winning is contagious, and that's just what the Pulaski County Cougars 8th grade boys AAU basketball team are hoping for as they took home the trophy in the 8th Annual Cougar Classic last weekend.

"The team played great" said Head Coach Todd Brewster. "This is the first tournament of the year, and we have had just a few practices. They are very unselfish and play as a team. They are a great bunch of kids that love to play together and hang out together."

The Cougars got things started with a contest against the Virginia Sonics out of Botetourt County. After a hard fought contest, the Cougars came out on top by the final score of 56-48. Alex Ramsey led the scoring with 17 points. Isaac Poe added 14, Kevin Smith scored 10, Elliott Brewster had 9, Bradley Church scored 4, and Miguel Garcia added 2 points.

The Cougars second opponent of the weekend was the Auburn Eagles. The Eagles found themselves outmatched on both sides of the floor, as the Cougars took home a 47-7 win. The Cougars took the chance to get their bench players some much needed court time, and nine players put points on the board. Isaac Poe, Elliot Brewster, and Bradley Church paced Pulaski with 8 points each. Landon Lawson, Kevin Smith, and Barron Blevins added 5 points each, with Miguel Garcia scoring 4 points. Kevon Houston and Alex Ramsey added two points each.

The final game of the tournament found the Cougars in the championship game in a rematch against the Virginia Sonic. The Sonic came out and hit the first shot of the game to take a two point lead, but Pulaski went on a six point run to set the pace. The scoring went back and forth, with the game staying close throughout, but in the end the Cougars pulled away to win 48-40. Poe finished the game with 15 points, Smith added 14, and Ramsey chipped in 9 points. Brewster and Church added 4 points each, with Jake Clary scoring two points.

According to Coach Brewster, there is a bigger purpose behind this and other tournaments being held locally. "We had three other Pulaski County boy teams play this weekend. There was a 5th grade, 6th grade and 7th grade team representing Pulaski. The 5th grade team won 1 game and lost 2, the 6 graders were 0 for 3, and the 7th grade was 2 and 1. We are trying to establish the 5th through 8th grade boys teams year after year. This is to help build the basketball program in the county for both the Middle School and High School level. The thought is to add another 5th grade team with the rest moving up a grade level next year. Each team is planning to do several more tournaments in the up and coming weeks. In the end, we want to see success on the court here at Pulaski County High School."

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Roseberry Ready To Make Decision

Cougar Swimmer Highly Recruited
By David Gravely

She is the most highly recruited athlete at Pulaski County High School. In fact, she is one of the most highly recruited athletes in Southwest Virginia. They call her "Fish", but they call her that out of respect and usually after she has left them in a trail of her bubbles.

Her name is Natalee Roseberry, she is a swimmer, and for the past few years she has been on a mission. Her goal.....earn a full ride scholarship to a Division one college to compete against the very best. Based on the past few months, she will reach that goal when she signs her National Letter of Intent on National Signing Day in February.

Her workout schedule is pretty demanding. Five days a week she swims from 5:30 am to 7:30 am. Of those five days, two evenings are spent back in the water from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, and the other three are spent there from 4 to 6 pm. She also swims on Saturdays from 7:30 to 9:30. She swims at the War Memorial Pool on the Campus of Virginia Tech and at the Christiansburg Aquatic Center mainly, but if there is enough water she will most likely try to race you in it. If she races you in the water, odds are you will lose.

"It's been a lot of work, but I've enjoyed it" said Roseberry, a senior at PCHS. "I've had some coaches that have helped me reach my highest potential, and I've tried to balance doing what I'm supposed to in the pool with keeping things right in the classroom. There hasn't always been alot of extra time, but I wouldn't change a thing. Now that the time to make my decision is getting near, it's getting really exciting. I'm looking forward to the future."

Natalee swims in three different groups, which take her up and down the east coast and around the country. First, of course, she swims for Pulaski County High School. With this team, she swims against the local schools and the schools of the River Ridge District. She is also a member of the H2Okies Swim Club, which also allows her to swim in competitions held by U.S. Swimming, the highest group for swimmers in the country. In March, Natalee will travel to Orlando, Florida to swim in the NCSA Junior National Championships. In February, she will be competing in the Virginia Swimming Senior Championships in Christiansburg.

Roseberry, who holds a 3.5 grade point average while being enrolled in all either dual credit (college and high school) or advanced placement classes, has also found time to be active in advance choir and advanced theater during her time at PCHS. In her spare time, she also enjoys being a self proclaimed "beach bum", being active in bringing awareness to social issues, and loves to ride BMX motorcycles. You can also add that during her junior year she was selected as Miss PCHS, as well as being selected as this years Prom Queen.

It's easy to see how a college could see her as a well rounded student, and obviously that's just what has happened. To date, Natalee has taken two official visits to college campuses, and both were nearby. First she took a trip the James Madison University, and this past weekend she spent some time with the Virginia Tech Swim team and their coaches. Over the past several months, she has received invitations to visit almost every college in Virginia, as well as notable out of state schools such as the University of North Carolina, the University of South Carolina, West Virginia, and the University of Alabama.

While she doesn't want to make it completely official just yet, she seems to have her mind set in a certain direction. "My dad was a Hokie and my mom was a Hokie. If everything works out, then that would certainly be a great situation for me. I'm crossing my fingers that the folks at Tech can get everything lined up for us, and if they can then on Signing Day my choice would be pretty easy. There are alot of good schools out there, but this would really work out the best from what I've seen so far."

Natalee is the daughter of Alan Roseberry of Claytor Lake and Becky Roseberry of Dublin.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lady Cougar Soccer Building Their Own Future

Lady Cougar Soccer Building Their Own Future
By David Gravely

Over 70 young soccer players gathered at Pulaski County High School recently to work on their game as the Lady Cougar Soccer team hosted the first annual Lady Cougar Soccer Indoor Camp.

"We have kids with talent in the area, but we need to get to them young and start teaching the basics and fundamental skills that they will need when they reach the high school" said Lady Cougar Soccer Head Coach Eric Martin. "Most kids come up through the system thinking that the most important thing is scoring goals. That's the wrong mentality, and we're working to change it. The young kids need to know the importance of passing and working as a team to move the ball. We want them to be confident that they can take on anyone, one on one, and keep the ball away from them. If they can do that and then add effective passing and ball movement, then the goals will come."

The players who attended the camp ranged from the youngest recreation league players to current eighth graders who will be trying out for the junior varsity team this coming spring. During the first day of the camp, the focus was on ball handling and effective passing techniques. The campers were split into groups by age, and current Lady Cougar varsity soccer players worked as their coaches with Coach Martin and assistant coach Tim McPeak over watching the progress.

"We want to try to get the players from all age groups together as often as possible to work with them" said Coach Martin. "We're trying to build our program up, and it has got to start from the younger levels. We want the kids involved, and we need them to be out playing as much as possible. We want our program to be able to compete with anybody, and to do that we've got alot of work to do. The good news is that the kids really seem to be willing to do that work."

The final session of the camp will be held this Sunday at Pulaski County High School, with a start time of 2 pm. Anyone interested in finding out more about the camp can contact Coach Martin at javascript:window.top.openSendEmail('etmartin@pcva.us.','','','');